Tokens in C Language
In C Language, Tokens are the part of program which are smallest elements and by collecting these smallest elements every program is designed and developed.
Types of Tokens in C Language
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Tokens in C Language |
Keywords- Reserve words, Predefined and having special meaning.
For an example int is a keyword:-
- which is already reserved means we can not create it for different purpose.
- which is predefined means we can not redefined it else program generate error.
- which is having special meaning to compiler to allocate 2 Byte memory and contain only integer values means we can not create it for floating values.
auto | break | case | char | const |
default storage class for a variable | used to stop the loop or iteration | use to create cases in switch | data type for character values | use to define constant value |
continue | default | do | double | else |
used to continue the loop or iteration | used for default case in switch | used with do...while loop | data type to store larger value than float | used with if and alone is not allowed |
enum | extern | float | for | goto |
used for enumeration user defined structure | external or global storage class | data type to store floating values | used to create for loop | used for jumping to label |
if | int | long | register | return |
used for conditional statement | integer data type to hold integer values | Larger range Modifier | to create register storage class variable | to return value or stop program |
short | signed | sizeof | static | struct |
smaller range modifier | ability to allow negative and positive values | operator used to show location size of variable | to create single copy of variable | to create structure user defined data type |
switch | typedef | union | unsigned | void |
used with cases and perform switch statement | define the user defined type name for predefined data type | used to create union user defined data type | ability to allow only positive values | used as nothing return type |
volatile | while | |||
value may change at any time | used to create while loop or iteration |
Identifiers used for naming the constant, variable, function, pointer, struct etc. To create an identifiers we must follow some thumb rules otherwise errors will be generated in C Programming these rules are given below-1. It should not be reserve word (Keyword).
2. White Space is not allowed in Identifiers.
3. Only alphabets(a-z,A-Z), digits(0-9) and only underscore( _ ) special symbol is allowed.
4. Identifiers not allowed to start with digits.
5. Special symbols are not allowed except underscore( _ ).
Constant/ Literal
constant are the fixed values and it can assigned to other(ex. int a=10;) but can not take other values to assigned ( ex. int 5=20;) otherwise compiler will generate error. It may be numeric or character based. It can also further classified like integer and floating constant values are numeric constants while single character or literal string constant values are character constants.
Numeric Constant
integer constant- it can be Decimal (example: 5,10 etc.), Octal (starts with 0 example: 010,029 etc.) or Hexadecimal (starts with 0x example: 0x10, 0x30 etc.)floating constant- with precision values. example: 5.20,8.50, 0.5E-5 where E-5 means 10^-5 etc.
Character Constant
Single Character Constant- always used inside single quotes. example: 'A', 'a' etc.String Constant/ Literal String-always used inside double quotes. example: "abc", "Hello" etc.
Escape Sequence
Escape Sequence are the character combination having special meaning on output without typed display. The list of Escape sequence with their meaning given below:Escape Sequence | Character | Escape Sequence | Character |
\b | Backspace | \n | NewLine |
\f | Form Feed | \r | return |
\t | Horizontal Tab | \v | vertical Tab |
\' | Single Quotation Mark | \" | Double Quotation Mark |
\? | Question Mark | \0 | Null Character |
\\ | Backslash |
Variables are the naming words for storing the value in memory. Example: int count=10; where count is a variable of integer type and assigning integer constant 10.Rules for Naming the Variable in C Language-
1. It should not be reserve word (Keyword like int, float etc are not allowed).
2. White Space is not allowed in Variable naming.
3. Only alphabets(a-z,A-Z), digits(0-9) and only underscore( _ ) special symbol is allowed.
4. Variable name should be of 31 character long and previous limit was 8 characters long.
5. Variable not allowed to start with digits.
6. Special symbols are not allowed except underscore( _ ).
7. Two variables of same name with same letter case(small or capital) in same scope(in curly braces {}) is not allowed.
Examples | Status | Example | Status |
count | correct | count_ | correct |
_count | correct | @count | incorrect, it violates rule 6 |
max_count | correct | max count | incorrect, it violates rule 2 |
count20 | correct | 20count | incorrect, it violates rule 5 |
INT | correct but not good practice | int | incorrect, it violates rule 1 |
Special Symbols/ Characters
Special Symbols or Characters used in C Language | |||||
+ | - | * | / | % | & |
! | @ | # | $ | ^ | ( |
) | _ | \ | ~ | < | > |
? | : | ; | " | ' | . |
{ | } | [ | ] | | |
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