

Hello everyone before to start C Language you must understand why it is so important to every beginner who wants to works in IT industry as a Programming Developer or Software developer. You also need to understand what are the aspects of Programming Language and History or C Language. So let us start to understand about these answers first. 

Why C Language is so important to every Beginner?

In IT industry number of platforms like .Net, JavaPython etc are available right now but the important thing is the every learning starts with its basics and C Language is the basics for other High Level Languages. Every concept will start its new journey with the previous concepts called concept upgradation. 

Programming Languages follows an Hierarchy and in this hierarchy if we supposed for High Level Languages than 'C Language' is the Root in this hierarchy. But it is also truth that there are number of programming languages before C Language and actually C Language comes due to the upgrading the B Language. The disadvantage of B Language is its typeless nature means there is no datatype concept and hence the after update it became C Programming Language. 

Aspects of Programming Language

There are basically 4 kind of aspects of any programming language:
  1. How the Programming Language Stores the Data in Memory.
  2. How the Programming Language operates on Stored Data.
  3. How Programming Language completes its Input and Output operations.
  4. How Programming Language gives control to user for serial or sequence execution of program instructions.   

History of C Language

YearProgramming LanguageDeveloped By
1960ALGOL(Algorithmic Language)International Group
1967BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language)Martin Rechards
1970B(B Language)Ken Thompson
1972C (C Language)Dennis Ritchie
1978K&R C(Kernighan and Ritchie C Language)Kernighan and Ritchie
1989ANSI C(American National Standard Institution C Language)ANSI Committee
1990ANSI/ISO C (ANSI / International Standard Organization C Language)ISO Committee
1999C99(C Language in year 1999)Standardization Committee
2011C11(C Language in Year 2011)Standardization Committee

So I hope you have the answers of earlier questions. Hence now we can learn the brief Introduction of C Language.

C Language brief Introduction

C Language is the update of B Programming Language and it is designed and developed inside AT & T's Bell Laboratories by Dennis Ritchie (called father of C Language) in USA in the time period of 1972.
C gains popularity due to its simplicity, reliability and easy to use features. there are some more features of C Programming language. These features are listed below:

Features in C Language Programming
Features in C Language Programming

Point To Remember: C Language is Platform Independent or Portable but program which are generated using C Language are machine dependent. 

Applications of C Programming Language

C Programming Language has wide range of Applications in those some of very important applications are given below:
  • Unix Operating System is Designed in C Language.
  • Compiler Designing is also in C Language.
  • Assembler Designing through C Language.
  • Embedded System Program Designing using C Language.
  • Games and Animation Designing.
  • Google, Mozilla Firefox.
  • C++, MATLAB, MySQL in market due to C Language. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language

Powerful and Efficient LanguageAbsent OOPs features
Portable LanguageAbsent Runtime Checking
Built in FunctionsNamespace feature not avaliable
extendable and rich libraryLow Level Abstraction
Middle Level LanguageConstructor and Distructor not present
System ProgrammingLack of Exceptional Handling Features

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